翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 请把零钱递给那位女士好吗? Please pick up those cups and saucers. 请把那些杯子和碟子拾起来。 Please give me your frank opinion. 请把你的实在意见告诉我。 Open your book, please. 请把你的书翻开。 You may bring your fur coat here. 请把您的毛皮大衣带来。 Would you put your luggage on the machine, please? 请把您的行李放在这机器上,好吗? Please write your name, address and phone number on this form. 请把您的姓名、地址和电话号码写在单据上。 Could you spell your name out? 请把您的姓名拼一下好吗? Would you please put all your luggage on the scales? 请把您所有的行李放在秤上好吗? Please pour this milk into that glass. 请把牛奶倒进那个玻璃杯里。 A little more off the top, please. 请把上面再弄短一点。 Please clean up the broken glass. 请把碎玻璃清扫一下。 Will you please make a record of all your foreign currencies? 请把所带外币登记一下。 Shut the stateroom door and the porthole, please. 请把特别房舱门窗关好。 Please put me on the waiting list. 请把我列在候补名单上。 Please turn it up. 请把音量开大声点。 Bring the check, please. 请把帐单拿来吧。 Will you please take this parcel to the post office? 请把这包裹拿到邮局去好吗? Please take it back and bring me a club sandwich. 请把这个拿回去,然后给我来一份多层鸡肉三明治。 Please fasten these tags on your hand-carried luggage. 请把这些标签系在您的手提行李上。 Please bring me those magazines. 请把这些杂志带来给我。 Will you attend to your entry formalities? 请办理入境手续好吗? Please oblige me by moving the chair a bit. 请帮我把那椅子移动一下。 Please make me up. 请帮我化妆。 Please help me carry this. 请帮我拿这个。 Please help me fill out this form. 请帮我填表格。 I would like it to be set in the same style, please. 请帮我做和这一样的发型。 Will you dress this injury? 请包扎这个伤口好吗? Please don't interfere in my business. 请别干涉我的事。 Please don't forget to return it by the due date. 请别忘了及时还书。 Please don't feel bad about that. 请别为此不快。 Please think nothing of it. 请别再想它了。 Please don't bother. 请不必费事了。 Please don't trouble yourself. 请不必费心了。 Please don't interrupt me. 请不要打断我。 Please don't worry. 请不要担心。 Please don't tear it, I want to keep the ticket. 请不要撕票,我要保留。 Not too short, please. 请不要太短。 Please don't give it another thought. 请不要再去想它了。 Please think nothing of it. 请不要再想它了。 Please don't blame yourself. 请不要再责怪自己了。 Please don't mention it. 请不用客气。 Please consult the "Yellow Pages", which lists all the services in the area. 请查阅黄页电话号码薄,那上面刊登着这一地区所有服务行业的电话号码。 Please have a taste and tell me what you think of it. 请尝一尝,然后告诉我味道如何。 Help yourself to the fish. 请吃点鱼。 Please take the sea-sickness medicine. 请吃点晕船药。 Have a cigarette, please. 请抽烟吧。 Please show me your tickets. 请出示车票。 Show your ticket, please. 请出示船票。 May I see your passport and disembarkation card? 请出示护照及入境申请卡。 Show your admission tickets, please. 请出示入场券。 Show me your ticket, please. 请出示一下你的票。 Show me your document, please. 请出示证件。 Take the bridge, please. 请从桥上走。 Turn on the TV, please. 请打开电视机。 Would you mind opening the case? 请打开这只箱子好吗? All aboard, please. 请大家上船。 Please give my best wishes to your mother. 请代我向你的母亲致意。 Please give my best regards to your father. 请代我向您的父亲致意。 Would you give my best regards to Mr. Smith? 请代我向史密斯先生致意好吗? Don't forget to collect your luggage, please. 请带好您的随身行李。 Please bring someone who can speak Spanish. 请带能讲西班牙语的人来。 Please proceed to the next hall. 请到下一个大厅去。 Just a moment, please. 请等一会儿。 Just a moment, I'll find out the exchange rate. 请等一下,我来查一下兑换率。 Just a minute, please. 请等一下。 Hold on, please. 请等一下。 Just a moment. I'll settle the account. 请等一下。我就来结帐。 May I have your order, please? 请点菜吧。 Tell me more. 请多讲给我听听。 Please make enlargements of these two negatives. 请放大这二张底片。 Please help me to the lavatory. 请扶我到洗手池。 Please direct me to the nearest post office. 请告诉我到最近的邮局怎么走? Can you tell me the air-mail rate abroad? 请告诉我寄往国外的航空邮件价目好吗? Your name and address, please. 请告诉我们您的姓名和地址。 Could you tell me when your last bus is? 请告诉我末班车什么时间开。 Would you tell me the amount of foreign currency you've got with you? 请告诉我你随身所带外币的数量。 May I have your name, address and phone number? 请告诉我您的姓名、地址和电话号码好吗? Please direct me to the tourist information center. 请告诉我去观光服务中心的路怎么走。 Would you please tell me how to use the card catalogue? 请告诉我如何使用卡片目录好吗? Would you please tell me how to operate the machine? 请告诉我如何使用这机器,好吗? Would you mind telling me how to read a book? 请告诉我如何阅读一本书,好吗? May I have the receiver's name, address and phone number? 请告诉我收件人的姓名、地址和电话号码好吗? Can I have the titles? 请告诉我书名。 Will you let me know where to get off? 请告诉我在哪儿下车好吗? Would you tell me what this dish is like? 请告诉我这道菜是什么。 Could you tell me if it is right, please? 请告诉我这是否正确? One-way, please. 请给单程的。 My key please, room number 77. 请给我 77 号房的钥匙。 Give me the TV guide, please. 请给我电视节目预告。 In twenties, please. 请给我二十元票面的。 French francs, please. 请给我法郎。 May I have an extra blanket, please? 请给我加一条毯子。 Please show me one that is more colorful. 请给我看个颜色较花的。 Please show me a list of your car rental rates. 请给我看看你们的租车价目表。 Please show me your hairstyle book. 请给我看你的发型书。 I'd like some bread, please. 请给我来点面包。 May I have two hamburgers to go, please? 请给我来两份外卖汉堡牛排。 Please give me a can of "Edgeworth". 请给我来一罐"埃奇沃思"烟丝。 Please give me two tickets for Paris. 请给我两张到巴黎的票。 Please give me two tickets for upper berths to Paris. 请给我两张到巴黎的上铺。 Please buy me two tickets on the sleeping car to Paris. 请给我两张到巴黎的卧铺票。 Please give me two first stall tickets. 请给我两张头等票。 Six 10s and ten 20s. 请给我六张十元的和十张二十元的。 Please give me four ten-cent stamps. 请给我四张十分钱的邮票。 May I have a blanket? 请给我毯子。 Smoking section, please. 请给我吸烟区的位子。 Please give me small notes. 请给我小票子。 Give me some airsickness pills, please. 请给我些晕机药。 Please bring me the salt and pepper. 请给我盐和胡椒。 May I have a city map, please? 请给我一份本市的地图好吗? I would like a bus and subway map, please. 请给我一份公交车和地铁的路线图。 A bacon and eggs breakfast with coffee, please. 请给我一份培根蛋熏肉加蛋早餐和咖啡。 Please give me a roll of Kodak film. 请给我一卷柯达的软片。 Please give me a piece of pie. 请给我一块馅饼。 A bottle of Moselle wine, please. 请给我一瓶莫塞尔酒葡萄酒。 May I have a bottle of your best German beer, please. 请给我一瓶最好的德国啤酒。 I would like some aspirin, please. 请给我一些阿司匹林。 May I have some juice? 请给我一些果汁。 Please give me some of your tourist brochures. 请给我一些你们的旅游资料。 Please give me a local map. 请给我一张本地地图。 Give me a 20-cent postage stamp, please. 请给我一张二角的邮票。 One aerogram, please. 请给我一张航空邮简。 Can I have a sedative, please? 请给我镇定剂好吗? Please pose with me for a picture. 请跟我合照一张。 If you'll come this way, I'll show you to your table. 请跟我来,我带您去您的餐桌。 Would you like to come with me, please? 请跟我来。 Could you follow me, please? 请跟我来。 Come here, please. 请过来。 Fill it up, please. 请加满。 I would like ten gallons, please. 请加十加仑。 Just a standard haircut, please. 请剪短就好了。 Please meet my friend Mrs. Green. 请见一下我的朋友格林夫人。 Leave the sideburns long, please. 请将两鬓留长。 Please put your luggage on the rack. 请将您的行李放在架子上。 Change this bill into small change, please. 请将纸币换成零钱。 Please call me Jane. 请叫我简好了。 Please ask John to turn on the lights. 请叫约翰开灯。 Extension 2791, please. 请接分机 2791。 Please accept my apologies. 请接受我的道歉。 Please accept our heartfelt sympathies. 请接受我们深切的同情。 Please accept my apologies for what I said just now. 请接受我为我刚才所说的话而表示的道歉。 Please accept this as a token of our friendship. 请接受这个作为我们友谊的象征。 Steps into the hall and have a look, please. 请进殿内看一看。 Please show your hands. 请举手。 Please drive quickly. I have an appointment at 9:00. 请开快一点。我九点有个约会。 Please make out a receipt for this. 请开收据。 A deposit account, please. 请开一个定期存款帐户。 Please prescribe some tranquilizers for me. 请开一些镇定剂给我。 Please look at these flowers: they are called clivia minata. 请看这些花,它们是君子兰。 Please forward it quickly. This is important. 请快点。这很重要。 Some coffee, please. 请来点咖啡吧。 Stout ale, please. 请来份烈啤酒。 Beer, please. 请来份啤酒。 Fares, please. 请买票。 Would you please wake me up tomorrow? 请明天叫醒我好吗? Please come back tomorrow. 请明天来取。 Please be in the hotel lobby tomorrow morning. 请明天早上八点到旅馆大厅。 Please show me a catalog of your books. 请拿一本图书目录给我看看。 A money order, please. 请拿张汇款单。 My bill, please. 请拿帐单来。 Please be patient; we'll find it for you. 请耐心等候,我们为您找一下。 Hang up my coat in the closet, will you please? 请你把我的上衣挂在衣橱里好吗? Would you help me with this problem? 请你帮我处理这个问题好吗? Will you help me a minute please? 请你帮我一会儿好吗? Be kind enough to give me a hand. 请你帮我一下。 Would you please not smoke here? 请你不要在此吸烟好吗? Would you please tell me how to get to the airport? 请你告诉我去机场怎么走好吗? Would you please tell me some of the attractions here? 请你给我介绍些这儿的名胜好吗? Will you please remember to close the door? 请你记住关门好吗? Will you please measure this window to see how wide it is? 请你量量看这窗户有多宽好吗? I ask you to join me in a toast to the health of our host. 请你们同我一起为我们东道主的健康干杯。 I'd like you to join us in a toast to their happy marriage. 请你们与我一起为他们的美满婚姻干杯。 Would you please hold the door open for me? 请你替我把门开着好吗? Could you fill in this form? 请你填一下这张表格好吗? Will you please fill in this registration card? 请你填一下这张登记表好吗? Would you be so nice as to show me the way to the station? 请你指点我去车站的路好吗? Would you repeat that word, please? 请你重复一遍那个字,好吗? Could you repeat what you said please? 请你重复一遍你说的话,好吗? Would you please tell me my balance? 请您把我帐号中的结余金额告诉我好吗? Please remember your manners. 请您别忘了规矩。 Would you mind not smoking here? 请您别在这儿抽烟好吗? Could you pay at the cashier's desk on the left, please? 请您到左边的收银台付款好吗? Would you tell me the current rate for US dollars? 请您告诉我美元的现价好吗? Would you tell me how to operate this account? 请您告诉我怎样经营这个帐户好吗? Could you oblige me with a dance? 请您赏光和我跳个舞好吗? Will you honor me with a dance? 请您赏光跳个舞好吗? Can you fill out the laundry form, please? 请您填一下洗衣单。 May I have the first waltz with you? 请您跳第一个华尔滋好吗? Will you favor me with a dance? 请您同我跳个舞好吗? Will you give me the favor to dance? 请您同我跳个舞好吗? Will you excuse me? 请您原谅我好吗? May I have the pleasure of asking you for one more dance? 请您再跳一支舞好吗? Could you please move in a bit to let me pass? 请挪一下,让我过去好吗? Please send a taxi to the Peace Hotel. 请派一辆出租车到和平饭店。 Please let me tell you the reason. 请让我把理由告诉你。 Let me introduce my assistant, Miss Parker. 请让我介绍一下我的助手,派克小姐。 May I see your boarding pass? 请让我看看您的登机证好吗? May I see your ticket, please? 请让我看一看您的票好吗? Let me take your measurement, please. 请让我为您量一下尺寸。 Let me off, please. 请让我下车。 Please drop me off at the Queen's Department Store. 请让我在皇后百货公司下车。 Move along, please. You are holding everyone up. 请让一下,你挡了大家的路了。 Please hop in. 请上车。 Get in, please. 请上车。 Hop on, please. 请上来。 Please call at 8:30 a.m.. 请上午八点三十分来电。 Just a moment, please, I'll check. 请稍等,我查一下。 Just a minute, please. 请稍等。 Just a moment, please. 请稍等。 If you excuse me for a second, I'll check your luggage. 请稍等片刻,我得查查你的行李。 One moment, please, and I'll find out for you. 请稍候,让我帮您查一下。 Just a minute and I'll see if there are any liners. 请稍候,让我看一下是否还有退票。 Excuse me for a second, I'll check it. 请稍候,我查看一下。 Just a minute and I'll check the timetable. 请稍候,我看一下时刻表。 Take a deep breath, will you? 请深呼吸。 Please try this one. It's "555". 请试试这个,是"三五"牌的。 Try this one, please. 请试试这件。 Try this three-piece worsted suit. 请试试这套三件式精纺西装。 Collect your passport and your receipt. 请收好你的护照和收据。 Please count the chairs in that room. 请数一数那房间里的椅子。 Please speak a little more loudly. 请说大声些。 Drive me to the Bank of America, please. 请送我到美国银行。 Please take me to a hospital. 请送我到医院。 Please take me to this address. 请送我到这个地址。 Take me to the airport, please. 请送我去飞机场。 Go ahead, please. 请随便看。 Will all passengers get on at once? 请所有旅客马上上船。 Will all non passengers get off right now? 请所有送行者马上下船。 It's of no use asking for his help. 请他帮忙是没用的。 Please complete this form. 请填好这份电报单。 Fill in the baggage declaration for inward passengers. 请填写入境旅客物品申报单。 Please fill in this form. 请填写这张表格。 Please fill out a withdrawal form. 请填一份提款单。 Please fill out a withdrawal order. 请填一下取款单。 Would you inform my family, please? 请通知我的家人好吗? Please stand back a little. Be careful, it's dangerous. 请往后站。当心,危险。 Pass on, please. 请往前走。 Insert a quarter into the slot and try again. 请往投币口投一个 25 美分的硬币,然后再拨一下。 Please forget it. 请忘了这件事。 Where can I make a long distance call, please? 请问,哪儿可以打长途电话? Could I ask if you approve of that project? 请问,你是否赞成这项工程? Excuse me, how do you put the fire out? 请问,你是怎么灭火的? Could you direct me to the lavatory, please? 请问,洗手间在哪里? Which way is to the museum, please? 请问博物馆是走哪条路? What's the fare to Paris, Please? 请问到巴黎的车票多少钱? Which train do I take for Rome, please? 请问到罗马乘哪次列车? Could you tell me how far the Peace Cinema is from here? 请问和平电影院离这儿有多远? Could you please tell me how far the coffee shop is from the cinema? 请问咖啡馆离电影院有多远? When do the trains leave for London, please? 请问开往伦敦的火车有哪几班? Where is the Mary Hospital, please? 请问玛丽医院在哪里? Which number is the call number, please? 请问哪个号码是书码? May I ask if you are fond of documentary? 请问你喜欢纪录片吗? May I have your name and flight number? 请问您的姓名和班机号。 Could I ask if you remember his address? 请问您记得他的地址吗? May I ask, are you for or against this decision? 请问您是赞成还是反对这项决定? When does the Rome train leave, please? 请问去罗马的火车什么时候开? Could you tell me the way to the Prince Hotel? 请问去王子饭店的路怎么走? Could I ask when to go? 请问什么时候走? May I ask who's calling? 请问是谁打来的电话? Have I got this right, please? 请问我弄对了吗? What time is the next train to Hong Kong, please? 请问下一班到香港的火车什么时候开出? By the way, Where shall I go to take No. 47 bus? 请问一下,我该在哪儿乘 47 路车? Is it correct, please? 请问这对吗? Do have some apples. 请务必吃些苹果。 Please put off all smoking materials. 请熄灭所有冒烟的东西。 Please consult the card catalogue first. 请先查找卡片目录。 Please give my best regards to Professor Rapp. 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司