翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 听说他安全回来了,我确实十分高兴。 I was quite relieved to hear that he would not be punished. 听说他不会被处罚,我感到十分欣慰。 It's a relief to be told that he'll get a promotion soon. 听说他不久将晋升,真叫人欣慰。 It's a great relief to hear about his success. 听说他成功了,真是叫人非常安慰。 I'm most relieved to hear about his being saved. 听说他得救了,我甚感欣慰。 We were relieved to hear about his being rescued. 听说他获救,我们感到放心了。 It's a relief to hear that he'll come back soon. 听说他马上要回来真叫人欣慰。 I'm really delighted to hear that they will help us. 听说他们将会帮助我们,我确实十分高兴。 It's a great relief to hear that they will support us. 听说他们将支持我们,真是叫人非常欣慰。 I'm sorry to learn about his failure in the experiment. 听说他实验失败我很遗憾。 It is said that he was once a thief. 听说他曾做过小偷。 I'm pleased to hear the news. 听说这消息我真高兴。 Leave it to chance! 听天由命吧! Listen, creep, if you don't play fair, you're going to get into trouble. 听着,混蛋,如果你不公正,你会倒霉的! Mark my words, I'll report you to the Dean if you go on disturbing me. 听着,如果你继续干扰我,我将报告教务主任。 Hold on, it's too early to say that yet. 停一下,这么说还为时过早呢。 Hang on a minute, it's only 5 percent. 停一下,这只是百分之五。 Usually you get it back on the following day. 通常您第二天才能取件。 Usually, I have a big breakfast. 通常我的早餐很丰盛。 He's more of a sportsman than his brother. 同他弟弟相比,他更像个运动员。 The same again, please. 同样的,请来一份。 Agreed, but where can we get money? 同意,但我们从哪儿去弄钱呢? First class or economy? 头等舱还是经济舱? The first stall has been full already. 头等票已经没了。 How about the top and the back? 头顶和后面怎么剪? What is the similarity between Figure A and Figure B? 图 A 和图 B 的相似点是什么? The library is not too crowded. 图书馆不很挤。 The library opens from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 图书馆从上午八点开放到下午五点。 What is the opening time for the library? 图书馆何时开放? Apply this tube of jelly three times a day. 涂这种软膏,一天三次。 The push rod doesn't seem to be working at all. 推杆好像根本不起作用。 Move back, quick! 退后,快! Wow! 哇! A minicamera is very convenient when you go sightseeing. 外出旅游带小型相机很方便。 Is it still raining outside? 外面还在下雨吗? What's the weather like out? 外面天气如何? It's perfectly all right. 完全没问题。 That's perfectly all right. 完全没有关系。 There's no reason to get so upset. 完全没有理由如此心烦意乱。 There's every reason to establish a power station at once. 完全有理由马上建设一个发电站。 Absolutely. 完全正确。 Exactly. 完全正确。 Have lots of fun. 玩得开心。 The toys department is on the second floor. 玩具商场在二楼。 Evening! 晚安! Good evening! 晚安! Is dinner ready? I always have it at five thirty on the dot. 晚饭好了吗?我总是在 5 点 30 分准时吃饭。 Let's go to the movies after dinner. 晚饭后我们一起去看电影吧。 It was a great party. 晚会棒极了。 Good evening, sir. Welcome to our bar. 晚上好,先生《迎到我们酒吧来。 If there should be any last-minute change, we'd inform you by telephone. 万一发生紧急变化,我们将电话通知您。 Whatever became of Miss Wang? 王小姐怎么样了? The Prince Hotel, Please. 王子饭店。 Go back, the roof is falling. 往后退,屋顶塌下来了。 Please step in. Don't stand at the door, please. 往里走。请不要站在门口。 Move up, there's plenty of room at the front. 往前,前边空地方多着呢。 Go this way about fifteen minutes. 往这边走大约十五分钟。 It's gone. 忘了。 Forget it. 忘了它。 Danger! Keep off! 危险!别靠近! William is partnering Peter at bridge. 威廉正与比得做桥牌搭档呢。 I think I'm going to call a cab in order to get to the station in time. 为了及时赶到车站我打算叫一辆出租车。 To illustrate this point, let us consider the comedy The Twelfth Night. 为了说明这一点,让我们来看一看喜剧《第十二夜》。 And to your family. 为你的家人干杯。 I'll drink to your health. 为你的健康干杯。 I drink to your promotion. 为你的晋升干杯。 I raise my glass to your great success. 为你的巨大成功干杯。 What for? 为什么要抱歉呢? Whatever for? 为什么要抱歉呢? Why not take a pleasure trip to some tourist resorts? 为什么不去些旅游点作愉快的旅行? Why not have another dance? 为什么不再跳一支舞? Let's drink to our good cooperation. 为我们的良好合作干杯。 Let's drink to our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯! Wei Tuo is regarded as the protector of Buddhism. 韦驮是佛国卫士。 Victoria's defense has collapsed. 维多利亚队的防守垮了。 Terrific! 味道好极了! Hello! This is David Brown speaking. 喂!我是大卫·布朗。 Hello! My name is David Brown. 喂!我是大卫·布朗。 Hello! David Brown speaking. 喂!我是大卫·布朗。 Hello! David Brown here. 喂!我是大卫·布朗。 Hey, taxi! 喂,出租车! Hey, you son of a bitch! What'd you say to me? 喂,狗娘养的!你要对我说什么? Hello, switchboard, can I have a line, please? 喂,交换台,请给我接电话,好吗? Hello, operator, we were cut off, please reconnect me. 喂,接线员,我们被切断了,请重新帮我接一下。 Hello, Jack. This is Mike. 喂,杰克,我是迈克。 Hello, may I make an appointment for sometime early this week? 喂,可以在本周初某个时侯为我安排一次约会吗? Hey, your book. 喂,你的书。 Hello, is that Miss Wang? 喂,是王小姐吗? Here, I'll do it for you. 喂,我来帮你做。 Bother the mosquitoes! 蚊子真讨厌! Say hello to Mike! 问候迈克好! Say hello to your wife! 问你太太好! It's the reverse gear. 问题出在倒车档上。 The trouble lies in the engine. 问题出在引擎上。 The problem is, you know, how to pool enough money. 问题是,你知道,如何凑到足够的钱。 The problem is that they receive too little extra pay for doing dangerous jobs. 问题在于他们做的是危险的工作却享受很少的奖励。 Oh, no, I'm so sorry! 我,不,我真难过! I like spring breezes and hate the biting winds in winter. 我爱春风,讨厌冬天刺骨的寒风。 I love fishing. 我爱好钓鱼。 Do you mind if I wind up the window? 我把车窗摇上去,你介意吗? I'll take them out as carry-on baggage. 我把那些拿出来作为手提行李。 I will pile your hair high on top. 我把您的头发高高地盘在头顶。 I'll swing you around to let you have a look at the back. 我把您转过身,让您看看后面。 It's slipped my mind. 我把它忘了。 I owe it to all my friends who helped me so much. 我把我的成绩归功于曾经帮助过我的所有朋友。 I have locked my key in my room. 我把钥匙锁在房间里面了。 I locked myself out. May I borrow a duplicate key for my room? 我把钥匙忘在屋里了,我可以再借一个我房间的钥匙吗? Any point in my washing the dishes for you? 我帮你洗碗行吗? Can I give you a hand with housework? 我帮你做家务好吗? How about me helping you with that? 我帮你做怎么样? May I take the bag for you? 我帮您拿袋子好吗? I promise that he will be back for dinner. 我保证他会回来吃晚饭。 I got a time penalty of 12 seconds. 我被罚 12 秒。 I was forced to play my last heart. 我被迫打出最后一张红心。 What a good news that I've been selected to study abroad! 我被选中去国外读书,多好的消息啊! I'm asked to give a lecture tomorrow. 我被要求明天做一次讲演。 Nothing could be farther from my mind than that. 我本没有这种打算。 I won't be free this weekend. 我本周末没有空。 I prefer detective story, and you? 我比较喜欢侦探片,你呢? I'm two years older than you are. 我比你大两岁。 I know better than you. 我比你知道得更清楚。 I couldn't have done better than you. 我必定没你做得好。 I'm sure going to see the exhibition. 我必定要去看展览。 I have to catch the 8:30 plane. Do you think I can make it? 我必须赶上八点三十分的飞机。你看我能赶上吗? I must have a talk to you. 我必须跟你谈一谈。 I'm committed not to turn down his proposal. 我必须接受他的提议。 Must I get there at six o'clock? 我必须六点钟到那儿吗? I need to buy a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. 我必须买牙刷和牙膏。 I must have my hair trimmed. 我必须去把头发削掉一点。 I must go to see him. 我必须去看他。 I must say I resent being treated like that. 我必须说我对受到如此待遇感到非常气愤。 I am obliged to retire. 我必须退休。 I must apologize for my not telling you about it. 我必须为我没能告诉你那件事而表示道歉。 I've got to be at the cinema by 8:30. Can you make it? 我必须在八点三十分之前赶到电影院。你能赶到吗? Must I return all the books in three days? 我必须在三天之内还所有的书吗? It is not my intention to eat my words. 我并不打算认错。 There can't be any doubt about his success. 我并不怀疑他的成功。 I'm not so optimistic. 我并不那么乐观。 I'm not all that keen on swimming. 我并不那么喜欢游泳。 I'm not over-enthusiastic. 我并不热情过度。 I don't like calligraphy. 我并不喜欢书法。 I don't want to throw cold water on you. 我并不想对你泼冷水。 I don't really feel inclined to sell the house. 我并不真想卖房子。 My uncle is a high school principal. 我伯父是一所高级中学的校长。 I don't plan to go there with my parents. 我不打算和我的父母一起去那儿。 I won't go to see the film. 我不打算去看电影。 I'm not going to see the film. 我不打算去看电影。 I'm not thinking of meeting my classmates. 我不打算去看我的同学。 I have no intention of retiring. 我不打算退休。 I don't mean to back her up. 我不打算支持她。 I have little confidence in what the newspapers say. 我不大相信报纸上说的东西。 I have no great belief in his promises. 我不大相信他许下的诺言。 I've got to hand it to you, you really did a good job. 我不得不称赞你,你做得真不错! I must admit I don't take great interest in modern art. 我不得不承认我对现代艺术不很感兴趣。 I don't mind your turning off the light. 我不反对你关灯。 It would be wrong to tell you a lie. 我不该对你说谎。 I'm not in a hurry. So please drive slowly and carefully. 我不赶时间。所以请小心谨慎慢慢地开车。 I can't presume to make your decision. 我不敢替你作决定。 I'm not accustomed to going out after dark. 我不惯于在天黑以后外出。 I'm not very keen on travelling by ship. 我不很喜欢乘船旅行。 I don't doubt your words. 我不怀疑你的话。 I won't say no! 我不会拒绝的! I won't be there. 我不会去那儿。 I won't forget your great help. 我不会忘记你给我的莫大帮助。 I don't buy your story. 我不会相信你的鬼话。 I wouldn't hear of it. 我不会再听了。 I can't approve of the plan. 我不会赞成该计划的。 That's better than I could do. 我不会做得像你那么好。 I don't remember. 我不记得。 I don't remember where I was then. 我不记得当时我在哪里。 I don't remember saying that. 我不记得说过那话了。 I don't find swimming particularly enjoyable. 我不觉得游泳特别使人愉快。 I don't understand what you're doing! 我不明白你在做些什么! I don't know why I let you talk me into going. 我不明白为什么会让你说动我去。 I don't see how we can back this plan. 我不明白我们怎么能支持这个计划。 It's impossible for me to meet at ten in the library. 我不能 10 点在图书馆会面。 I can't help thinking that education should be free to all. 我不能不认为教育应向大众开放。 I can't help thinking that I am a miserable failure. 我不能不认为我是个彻底的失败者。 I'm not sure, but I'll try my best. 我不能肯定,不过我将尽力而为。 I can't say for certain. 我不能肯定。 I'm not very sure. I'll give you a call later. 我不能肯定。过些天我会打电话给你。 I'm not too sure of his coming. 我不能肯定他会来。 I'm uncertain of their stand in the matter. 我不能肯定他们在该事件中的立场。 I'm not sure I can do it. 我不能肯定我做得了这件事。 I can't understand it. 我不能理解。 I can't buy them because I don't have any money. 我不能买它们,因为我没钱。 I can't. I have to attend my cousin's wedding banquet. 我不能去,我得参加我表兄的婚宴。 I can't tell where it was lost. 我不能确定是在哪儿丢的。 I can't bear for my son to fall into bad company. 我不能容忍我的儿子交上坏朋友。 I can't make myself feel happy. 我不能使我自己快乐起来。 I can't say fishing appeals to me very much. 我不能说钓鱼对我有多大的吸引力。 Can't I persuade you to go there alone? 我不能说服您独自去那儿吗? Can't I persuade you that the project is practical? 我不能说服您这方案是可行的吗? I can't agree with that. 我不能同意这个观点。 I can't believe it. 我不能相信它。 I can no longer stand it. 我不能再忍受这了。 No more for me, I'm quite full. 我不能再要了,我相当饱了。 I can't be here so early. 我不能这么早来。 Can't I know it? 我不能知道它吗? I can't go by the morning flight. 我不能坐上午的班机。 I don't think hunting is a fascinating hobby. 我不认为打猎是一种有趣的嗜好。 I don't think anyone could disagree. 我不认为会有人不同意。 I shouldn't see working overtime as something you have to do. 我不认为您一定要加班。 I'm no good at dancing. 我不擅长跳舞。 I can't photograph well. 我不上相。 I'm not talking personalities, but they say he's not very decent. 我不是在进行人身攻击,但他们说他这个人不太正经。 I don't like meat much. 我不太喜欢吃肉。 I'm not too fond of his songs. 我不太喜欢他的歌。 I am not happy with this room. Please show me another. 我不太喜欢这个房间,请给我另看一间。 I have little confidence in his success. 我不太相信他会成功。 I'm not so confident that they'll support us. 我不太相信他们会支持我们。 I can't go along with that. 我不同意这一点。 I don't entirely agree with you. 我不完全同意你的观点。 I'm off basketball. 我不喜爱篮球了。 I don't like so many commercial breaks on TV. 我不喜欢电视上有这么多商业广告。 I don't fancy fishing. 我不喜欢钓鱼。 I couldn't care about jazz music. 我不喜欢爵士音乐了。 I don't like to see anything heavy. 我不喜欢看格调沉闷的电影。 I don't like the way you talk! 我不喜欢你讲话的方式! I hate getting seats in the front rows. 我不喜欢前排的位置。 Affectionate films do not appeal to me. 我不喜欢谈情说爱的片子。 I don't fancy gardening. 我不喜欢园艺。 I don't like this kind of monotonous work. 我不喜欢这种单调的工作。 I don't believe in taking medicine. 我不相信吃药。 This is beyond my belief. 我不相信的。 I don't trust her explanations. 我不相信她的解释。 I don't believe you. 我不相信你。 I can't believe he can be enrolled by this university. 我不相信他会被这所大学录取。 I don't believe that he'll refuse to help me. 我不相信他会拒绝帮助我。 I don't believe out team will win the game. 我不相信我们的球队会赢这场比赛。 I don't want to change my job. 我不想换工作。 I don't feel like seeing him at all. 我不想见他。 I don't want to blacken his name, but they say he's involved in a crime. 我不想进行人身攻击,但他们说他和一件犯罪案有牵连。 I don't want to be on standby. 我不想旁观。 I don't want to talk you into accepting it, but it's worth trying. 我不想劝您接受它,不过这值得一试。 I don't want to sound too pessimistic. 我不想说得过于悲观。 I don't want to say anything evil about anyone, but do you know who is the thief? 我不想说任何人的坏话,不过你知道谁是小偷吗? I don't want to do anybody wrong, but it's said that she often beats her son. 我不想冤枉任何人,不过据说她经常打她的儿子。 I don't want to talk behind anybody's back, but he's changed a lot. 我不想在背后议论别人,不过他确实已变了很多。 I don't really want to say this. 我不想这么说。 I don't want to sit here. It's too uncomfortable. 我不想坐在这儿。这儿太不舒服。 Unfortunately, I missed the last train. 我不幸错过了末班火车。 I don't need it. 我不需要。 I won't, thanks. 我不要,谢谢。 I'd better not, thank you all the same. 我不宜喝那么多,不过还是谢谢你。 I refuse to believe that. 我不愿意相信它。 I won't allow my son to make friends with that fellow. 我不允许我的儿子和那家伙交朋友。 I don't mind, but you should call me a taxi. 我不在乎,不过你应该为我叫辆出租车。 I don't mind. 我不在乎。 I haven't yet had the pleasure. 我不曾有此荣幸。 I don't think so. 我不这么看。 I wonder if we should go without an appointment. 我不知道,事先没有约好我们是否应该去。 Don't ask me? 我不知道。 I've no idea. 我不知道。 I don't know. 我不知道。 Search me. 我不知道。 I don't know. I'll tell you tomorrow. 我不知道。我明天告诉你。 I wouldn't know where to start doing it. 我不知道从哪里着手做起。 I wouldn't know where to begin. 我不知道从什么地方开始。 I'm not sure how to put this, but I broke your ashtray. 我不知道该怎么办才好,我打碎了你的烟灰缸。 I wonder whether it's going to snow tonight. 我不知道今晚是否会下雪。 I wonder if the dentist could fit me in early tomorrow. 我不知道明天早些时候牙科医生是否能抽点时间替我看病。 I don't know how you could be so careless. 我不知道你会这么粗心。 I wonder if you would agree with that. 我不知道你是否同意这一点。 I'm not sure you're right about that. 我不知道你是否正确。 I wonder why you're often late for class. 我不知道你为什么经常上课迟到。 I don't know what you're talking about. 我不知道你在说些什么。 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司