翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 I don't know the exact date. 我不知道确切的日子。 I wonder if I can send cables without cash payment. 我不知道是否可以不用现款拍发电报。 I have no idea who can carry it out. 我不知道谁能执行这个计划。 Don't ask me who is the chairman. 我不知道谁是主席。 I don't know what his native language is. 我不知道他的母语是哪一种。 I don't know what my size is. 我不知道我的尺码。 I don't know if I'm making myself clear. 我不知道我讲得是否明白。 I'm not sure if I make myself clear. 我不知道我讲得是否明白。 I don't know what time it is. 我不知道现在是什么时间。 I wonder what the weather will be like on Sunday. 我不知道星期日天气会怎样。 I don't know what I want. I'm not really a drinker. 我不知道要什么好,我不会喝酒。 I wonder what can compensate for it. 我不知道有什么能弥补它。 I can't see how the radio works, can you tell me? 我不知道怎么使用这台收音机,你能告诉我吗? I don't know how to use this machine, could you explain to me? 我不知道怎么用这部机器,你能给我解释一下吗? I've no idea how to prepare the pigeon. 我不知道怎样烧鸽子。 I'm quite in the dark about it. 我不知道这事。 I don't know how to put it. 我不知该如何说才好。 I wonder if you can finish your paper by Friday. 我不知你能否在周五之前完成你的报告。 I wonder if you'd take the car to the garage. 我不知你是否可以把这辆车弄到车库去。 I'm not sure how to speak to you, but will you allow me to quit my present post? 我不知如何对你说,但是你允许我辞去目前的职位吗? I don't know how to operate the teleprinter, would you please help me? 我不知如何使用电传机,你能帮帮我吗? I don't know how to thank you enough. 我不知如何谢您才好。 I wouldn't come. 我不准备来。 I presume you are Mr. Smith. 我猜你大概是史密斯先生。 I suppose she is not yet forty. 我猜想她还不满四十岁。 I don't suppose you will come. 我猜想你不会来。 I guess you're right. 我猜想你是对的。 I guess you don't have time to go out now, you have got a baby. 我猜想你现在有了孩子没有时间再出去了。 I assume you've decided against buying a new car. 我猜想你已决定反对买一部新轿车。 I guess that the project will be turned down. 我猜想这方案会被拒绝。 I guess this cinema can seat close to a thousand. 我猜这电影院能容纳近一千名观众。 That story isn't good enough for me! 我才不信那鬼话! I usually go to bed late. 我常常迟睡。 I'm going by air. I like flying. 我乘飞机去。我喜欢飞行。 I'm very sorry I am late. 我迟到了,真太对不起了。 I'm really addicted to cigarettes. 我抽烟真是上了瘾。 Do you have any objection to my taking a business trip? 我出差一趟,您反对吗? I'm in big trouble. 我处境很糟。 I got dressed and had breakfast. 我穿好衣服就吃早饭。 After I get dressed, I have breakfast. 我穿衣服以后吃早饭。 I never indulge myself in pessimism. 我从不沉迷于悲观失望之中。 I never miss one part of it. 我从不错过一集。 I never used to oversleep. 我从不习惯多睡。 I never do anything in excess of my ability. 我从不做超出自己能力范围的事。 I've never thought about marrying him. 我从来都没想过要和他结婚。 I never saw a prettier sight. 我从来没看到过更美的景色。 It never entered my head to be dean of the department. 我从来没想过要当这系主任。 It never sprang to my mind to run for the President. 我从来没想过要竞选总统。 I've never asked you anything, so please. 我从来没有请求过你任何事,所以这回请帮忙了。 I have never written an English letter. 我从来未写过英文信。 I've never seen such a huge diamond. 我从没见过如此硕大的钻石。 I worked from early morning until late at night. 我从清早一直工作到深夜。 I've never felt so exhausted. 我从未感到这么累过。 I've never seen the house so full. 我从未见过剧院这样拥挤。 I've never thought I'd change the plan. 我从未想过要换掉这计划。 I'm calling to say good-bye. 我打电话来告辞。 I'm phoning to invite you to a party at our new house. 我打电话是请你到我们的新居来聚聚。 I am calling to make a reservation, please. 我打电话是想订房间。 I telephoned to see if you'd like to go to the brown-bag party. 我打电话是想问你是否乐意参加自备聚餐会。 I bet it will rain tomorrow. 我打赌明天会下雨。 I bet it will be sunny tomorrow. 我打赌明天是个晴天。 I bet he couldn't speak Russian, could he? 我打赌他不会说俄语,是吗? I bet he's lost his job. 我打赌他失业了。 I bet he is the most hard-working man in your office. 我打赌他是你们办公室里工作最卖力的人。 I'll bet he's been back home. 我打赌他已经到家了。 Let me look it up and weigh it. 我打开看看,称一称,好吗? Do you mind if I open your handbag and check? 我打开你的手提包检查一下行吗? I intend to help him. 我打算帮助他。 I'm planning to quit the job. 我打算放弃这份工作。 It is my intention to further my study. 我打算继续我的学业。 I have every intention of buying a new watch. 我打算买一只新表。 I'm going to London tomorrow. 我打算明天去伦敦。 I'm going to see a movie. What about coming along with me? 我打算去看电影。怎么样,跟我一起去? I'm going to watch a talk-show. 我打算去看脱口秀。 I'm going to travel for a week in Europe. 我打算去欧洲旅行一周。 My intention is to apply for a higher position. 我打算申请一个更高的职位。 I'm going to read around the subject of aesthetics. 我打算阅读美学方面的书。 I go out for lunch at about 12:30. 我大约在十二点三十分出去吃午饭。 I'm worried about getting lost. 我担心迷路。 I'm worried sick we won't make it. 我担心我们不能成功。 I certainly cannot give my support to it. 我当然不能赞成。 I'm certainly not in favor of that. 我当然不赞成。 I'd rather have some peanuts. 我倒宁愿吃点花生。 I should prefer you not to go there. 我倒宁愿你不要去那儿。 I'd like that, but I can't afford the money. 我倒是希望那样的,但是我没钱。 I'd rather you wouldn't. 我倒希望你不要这样。 I'd rather you didn't. 我倒希望你不这样。 Can I break my journey to Paris? 我到巴黎能中途停留吗? The lights had already gone out when I got to the cinema. 我到电影院时灯已经熄了。 I must admit there's little hope of their help. 我得承认得到他们支持的希望甚微。 I have to admit I know very little about economics. 我得承认对经济学所知甚少。 I have to admit there's no much hope of his recovery. 我得承认他能复原的希望不大。 I have to admit that I'm hopelessly pessimistic. 我得承认我悲观透了。 I must confess I don't remember. 我得承认我不记得了。 I have to admit I rather dislike him. 我得承认我的确不喜欢他。 I have to admit I don't know much about mechanics. 我得承认我对机械知识所知甚少。 I have to admit I feel very exhausted. 我得承认我感到非常累。 I can't deny that I feel very tired. 我得承认我感到非常累了。 I have to admit to doubts about his honesty. 我得承认我怀疑他是否诚实。 I should say I'm getting old. 我得承认我老了。 I have to admit I have forgotten. 我得承认我已忘了。 I've reached a conclusion that our team will win. 我得出结论,我们的队会赢。 I got some white elephants for presents. 我得到了一些贵而无用的礼物。 I have to sluff my last club. 我得垫掉最后一张梅花。 I have to study for the final exam. 我得复习,准备期终考试。 I must run along! 我得赶紧离开! There's no hope left for the negotiation, I must tell you. 我得告诉你,谈判没希望了。 I have to tell you that the lecture was sheer nonsense. 我得告诉你,这个演讲是一派胡言。 I've got to go with you. 我得跟你一起去。 Must I get a taxi? 我得叫出租车吗? I need to see a dentist. 我得看牙医。 I'll sleep on it. 我得考虑考虑。 I'd have to think about it. 我得考虑一下。 I must turn in. Tomorrow will be a busy day. 我得去睡觉了。明天是很忙的一天。 That is rather disappointing, I should say. 我得说,那很令人失望。 There's nothing I can do to persuade him, I should say. 我得说,我没办法说服他。 I must say, I anticipate a wonderful weekend. 我得说,我盼望过一个愉快的周末。 I must say, I look forward to seeing her tomorrow. 我得说,我盼望明天和她见面。 I should say, I long to hear from my brother. 我得说,我盼望收到我兄弟的信。 It really can't be helped, I must say. 我得说,这实在是没办法了。 It's rather disappointing, I must say. 我得说,这太令人失望了。 I should say that more exercises will do you good. 我得说多进行运动会对你有益。 I should say your working performance isn't good enough. 我得说你的工作表现不够好。 I must say I'm not too fond of fishing. 我得说我并不太喜欢钓鱼。 I must say I'm not too fond of travelling. 我得说我不特别喜欢旅行。 I must say I disapprove of it. 我得说我不赞成。 I must say I have a strong preference for French movies. 我得说我对法国电影有强烈的偏爱。 I must say I object to her gossiping. 我得说我很反对她说长道短。 I must say I find it unacceptable. 我得说我觉得这不能接受。 I must say I find it quite acceptable. 我得说我觉得这很可取。 I should say we had been hoping for a much better decision. 我得说我们原本一直希望会有一个更好的决定。 I have to tell myself that I am a loser. 我得说我是个失败者。 I must say I had expected for a better performance. 我得说我希望演出会更好的。 I should say I had been longing to pass the exam. 我得说我原本一直盼望能通过考试的。 I must say I had been hoping to see my old friends again. 我得说我原本一直希望再见到我的老朋友的。 I should say that I had hoped to see a much better movie. 我得说我原希望看到一场更好的电影的。 I must say I had longed to hear from her. 我得说我原希望收到她的信的。 I should say I had hoped for a more heated discussion. 我得说我原希望讨论更热烈的。 I must say I had looked forward to enjoying myself at the party. 我得说我原希望在晚会上玩得愉快的。 I must say it is very good. 我得说这非常好。 I must say I find it quite unsatisfactory. 我得说这令人非常不满意。 I must say I find it quite satisfactory. 我得说这令人非常满意。 I must say it is the disappointing news. 我得说这消息令人失望。 I've got to be running along. 我得走了。 My watch is fast and your watch is slow. 我的表快,你的表慢。 My watch says three sharp. 我的表是 3 点整。 My car just won't start. 我的车发不动。 I'm in a plight. 我的处境很糟。 I don't have any static on my set. 我的电视机没静电干扰。 My television is on the blink. 我的电视机失灵。 My television reception is very poor. 我的电视接讯情况不好。 My room hasn't been made up yet. 我的房间还没整理好。 When does my plane take off? 我的飞机何时起飞? My parents will give me something special for my birthday present. 我的父母送给我一份特殊的生日礼物。 My father has gone to the library, what I mean is, he'll be back in a few minutes. 我的父亲去图书馆了,我是说,他一会儿就回来的。 There might be something wrong with my throat. 我的喉咙也许有点毛病。 My throat is swelling. Is there anything for it? 我的喉咙肿痛。有什么药吗? I have lost my passport. 我的护照丢了。 It's my conclusion that you'll succeed in your research work. 我的结论是,你的研究工作会成功的。 My conclusion is that they'll win the debate, not we. 我的结论是他们会在辩论中取胜,而不是我们。 My boss is bound not to give me a pay raise. 我的老板必定不会给我加工资的。 There is something wrong with my toilet. 我的马桶有问题。 My sister has been engaged for two months. 我的妹妹已经订婚两个月了。 I'm old enough to make up my own mind. 我的年龄够大了,足能决定我自己的意愿。 My judgement is that it's dangerous to go there alone. 我的判断是,独自一人去那儿是危险的。 It's my judgement that it's very unsafe to drive that fast. 我的判断是,开车那么快是很危险的。 My friends, Dr. Baker. 我的朋友们,有请贝克博士。 I can't say that I share your assessment. 我的评价与你的看法不一样。 I couldn't say really. 我的确不能肯定。 I really do object to changing my room. 我的确反对更换房间。 I do like old furniture very much. 我的确非常喜欢旧家具。 I do appreciate your consideration. 我的确很感激您的体贴。 I'm really sold on skating. 我的确迷上了溜冰。 My fever is gone, but I still have a cough. 我的烧退了,但我仍然咳嗽。 My hobby is reading. 我的嗜好是看书。 My handbag has been stolen. 我的手提包被偷了。 One of my suitcases is small, and the other one is medium size. 我的手提箱中一个是小号的,另一个是中号的。 My book has a dark blue cover. 我的书封面是深蓝色。 I've been losing weight. 我的体重一直在下降。 Bless me! 我的天哪! There seems to be something wrong with my camera. 我的相机好像有点故障。 I can't help thinking the same. 我的想法和你的一样。 I'm of exactly the same opinion. 我的想法完全一样。 I'm of the same opinion. 我的想法与你的一样。 When will my pickup be fixed? 我的小货车何时能修好? My luggage is pretty heavy. 我的行李相当重。 My brother admires skin-diving. 我的兄弟十分喜欢潜水。 I need my clothes ready by five PM today. 我的衣服必须在今天下午五点以前洗好。 My own opinion is that we should give it up. 我的意见是我们应该放弃它。 Have I made my meaning clear? 我的意思你们明白吗? I mean, what about aged people if they wish to learn things for no practical ends. 我的意思是,年纪大的人如果想学点东西,并没有什么实际目标,这该如何办呢? What I mean is, it's too expensive. 我的意思是,这太昂贵了。 My right arm hurts. It hurts right here. 我的右臂伤了。就伤在这里。 My bathtub drain is clogged. 我的浴缸堵塞不通。 My account number is 18-005437-8. 我的帐号是 18-005437-8。 What would you give me for my Deutsche marks? 我的这些德国马克可以兑换多少? I am just about out of checks. 我的支票快用完了。 My advice would be: don't drive too fast. 我的忠告就是:不要开得太快。 My own advice would be not to become involved. 我的忠告就是:不要牵涉进去。 My chief interest is hunting. 我的主要爱好是打猎。 My main argument is that education should serve practical purposes. 我的主要论点是教育应该适合实际目标。 My chief hobby is reading English novels. 我的主要嗜好是阅读英语小说。 My final conclusion is that he is the man who stole the money. 我的最终结论是,他是那个偷钱的人。 My seat number is Row 10, No. 2 in the stall. 我的座号是正厅第 10 排 2 号。 I can't wait for this evening. 我等不到晚上了。 I can't wait. 我等不及了。 Has a fax message for me arrived? 我等候的传真来了吗? I'm waiting for his arrival. 我等着他的到来。 My brother gets up later than I do. 我弟弟比我起得晚些。 My brother got up earlier than I did. 我弟弟比我起得早些。 My brother used to speak French to me all the time. 我弟弟过去常常跟我讲法语。 My brother and I used to go a lot of places together. 我弟弟和我惯常一同去很多地方。 My brother wants to learn how to dance. 我弟弟想学跳舞。 I fell down. 我跌倒了。 I see your point, but there's another saying. 我懂你的意思,但还有一种说法。 I know something about painting. 我懂一点绘画。 I'm all for it. 我都喜欢。 I have no doubt that she stole the ring. 我断定是她偷了戒指。 I'm absolutely positive that he's the thief. 我断定他就是那小偷。 I definitely think that he is a professor. 我断定他是位教授。 I judge him to be doctor. 我断定他是位医生。 I don't feel so sure about getting a pay raise soon. 我对不久能加薪并不那么有把握。 I don't repose much hope in getting a pay raise soon. 我对不久能加薪不抱多大希望。 I'm hopeless at singing. 我对唱歌一窍不通。 I'm sanguine of success. 我对成功抱乐观态度。 I don't place much hope in studying abroad. 我对出国留学不抱多大希望。 I'm not too sure about it. 我对此不太有把握。 I feel bad about that. 我对此感到不快。 I'm very unhappy about that. 我对此很不高兴。 I think I'm very happy about that. 我对此很高兴。 I'm very pleased about it. 我对此很满意。 I've nothing to say about it. 我对此没什么可说的。 I've no particular views about it. 我对此没特别见解。 I'm sure of the news that my boss will give me a pay raise soon. 我对此消息很有把握,我的老板不久会给我加薪。 I'm really not pleased about it. 我对此真的不满意。 I hope for success in getting a well-paid job. 我对得到一份高薪工作抱乐观态度。 I don't know much about sculpture. 我对雕塑不怎么精通。 I'm not very happy about the plan. 我对该计划不是很满意。 I haven't got a clue how to play golf. 我对高尔夫球一无所知。 I'm keen on classical music. 我对古典音乐很感兴趣。 I don't know the first thing about software. 我对计算机软件毫无所知。 I'm interested in meeting different kinds of people. 我对接触不同类型的人感兴趣。 I am hopeful of great success. 我对巨大的成功充满希望。 I feel nervous about the result of the exam. 我对考试的结果很担心。 I'm quite sure of the rumor that my boss will fire me. 我对老板要解雇我的谣言深信不疑。 I have a sanguine outlook on everything. 我对每件事都持乐观看法。 I have full confidence in you. 我对你充满了信心。 I must take my hat off to you for your wonderful performance. 我对你出色的表演表示敬意。 I take considerable exception to your indifference. 我对你的冷漠表示强烈的不满。 I'm surprised at you. 我对你的行为感到震惊。 I'm disappointed with you. 我对你很失望。 I'm so completely disgusted with you that I never want to see your face again. 我对你简直厌恶到了极点,我永远不想再见到你。 I take great exception to what you said. 我对你说的话表示强烈抗议。 I can never thank you enough. 我对您感激不尽。 I am allergic to penicillin. 我对盘尼西林过敏。 Cooking interests me a great deal. 我对烹饪很感兴趣。 I'm fed up with chocolate. 我对巧克力已吃厌了。 I feel very hopeful that he will succeed. 我对他的成功感到乐观。 There's some doubt about his honesty. 我对他的诚实有些怀疑。 I don't have anything to say on his manners. 我对他的举止没什么可说的。 I can't place full confidence in his ability. 我对他的能力不十分相信。 There's very little doubt in my mind about his ability. 我对他的能力没有丝毫怀疑。 I'm not so optimistic that he will come. 我对他能否光临不那么乐观。 There's very little doubt in my mind as to his stealing money. 我对他偷钱这件事确信无疑。 I feel quite hopeful about my future. 我对未来充满希望。 I don't feel so hopeful that he'll succeed. 我对我的成功根本不抱多大希望。 I'm very pleased with my room. 我对我的房间很满意。 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司