翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 I don't feel at all hopeful about my future. 我对我的前途根本不抱希望。 I'm terribly sorry for my negligence. 我对我的疏忽非常抱歉。 I am sanguine that we shall succeed. 我对我们的成功抱乐观态度。 I'm not all that optimistic we will defeat them. 我对我们能否打败他们不那么乐观。 I don't hold out much hope for the new project. 我对新的方案不抱多大希望。 I don't cherish much hope for the new plan. 我对新的计划不抱多大希望。 I don't have much faith in the new plan. 我对新的计划不太相信。 I don't have much trust in the new experiment. 我对新的实验不十分相信。 I have some doubts about the new experiment. 我对新实验心有疑虑。 I'm quite interested in learning new things. 我对学习新知识很感兴趣。 I'm not very interested in swimming. 我对游泳并不十分感兴趣。 I have some interest in swimming. 我对游泳有些兴趣。 I'm crazy about swimming. 我对游泳着了迷。 I'm crazy about swimming. 我对游泳着迷。 I have a particular aversion to noise. 我对噪音特别反感。 There're some doubts in my mind about the negotiation. 我对这次谈判心有疑虑。 I'm not at all satisfied with the service here. 我对这儿的服务一点也不满意。 I take great exception to having such poor service here. 我对这儿糟糕的服务表示强烈的不满。 I'm rather skeptical about the project. 我对这方案很怀疑。 I'm not over-enthusiastic about the project. 我对这个方案并不过于热衷。 I'm not too happy about the new policy. 我对这项新政策不太乐观。 I was very disappointed in the new TV set. 我对这新电视机很失望。 I've no doubt about the correctness. 我对这正确性毫无疑问。 I am very optimistic about the political situation. 我对政治形势很乐观。 I'm interested in Chinese ancient architecture. Where do you suggest I should go? 我对中国古建筑很感兴趣。你看我应该到哪儿去看? How unfortunate I was! 我多不幸啊! How eagerly I want to see my classmates! 我多么急切地想见到我的同学。 How I wish I were you. 我多么希望我是你。 How foolish I was! 我多傻啊! What a fool I was to take his advice! 我多傻竟然接受他的劝告! My son wants to be a policeman when he grows up. 我儿子想要在长大以后当警察。 My son wants to get married in June. 我儿子想要在六月结婚。 I'm twenty-one years old. 我二十一岁。 I find her condition very worrying. 我发现她的情况很令人担忧。 There isn't any soap in my room. 我房间没有肥皂。 My room is too warm. Please adjust the thermostat. 我房间太热了,请调节控温器。 The lights in my room don't work. 我房内的灯坏了。 The telephone in my room is out of order. 我房内的电话有故障了。 The air-conditioner in my room does not work well. 我房内的冷气机不很灵。 I dislike milk very much. 我非常不喜欢喝牛奶。 I admire your persistence enormously. 我非常崇拜你的毅力。 I'm very much obliged. 我非常感谢。 I'm extremely grateful to you. 我非常感谢您。 I'm much obliged to you. 我非常感谢您。 I'm very much indebted to you. 我非常感谢您。 I'm much obliged to you for your help. 我非常感谢您的帮助。 I should be very happy. 我非常高兴。 I was frightened to death I would be dismissed. 我非常害怕我会被解雇。 I'd really like to, but I'm having a fever. 我非常乐意,不过我在发烧。 I'd be delighted to. 我非常乐意。 I know just how you feel. 我非常了解你的感受。 I'm very sorry. 我非常难过。 I'm very annoyed. 我非常恼火。 I do hope you have enjoyed your stay with us. 我非常希望你在这儿过得愉快。 I very much wish myself out of the affair. 我非常希望我自己不卷入这件事。 I like basketball very much. 我非常喜欢篮球运动。 I'm very keen on volleyball. 我非常喜欢排球。 I have much belief in his honesty. 我非常相信他的诚实。 I'm dying for a cigarette. 我非常想抽根烟。 I appreciate your self-confidence a lot. 我非常欣赏你的自信心。 I appreciate it very much. 我非常欣赏它。 I enjoy this exhibition very much. 我非常欣赏这个展览。 I'd very much like to. 我非常愿意。 I very much approve of your decision. 我非常赞同你的决定。 I'll speak to her or bust! 我非得和她谈一谈不可! My father will give me a surprise on my birthday. 我父亲会在我生日那天给我一份惊喜。 I ought to lend her the book. 我该把书借给她。 How much do I owe you? 我该付你多少钱? How often am I supposed to drink? 我该隔多久喝一次? How much should I tip the cab driver? 我该给出租车司机多少小费? Ought I to call on him? 我该去看望他吗? Which platform do I want? 我该去哪个站台? What should I do to avoid side effects? 我该如何避免副作用呢? When should I get to the airport? 我该什么时候到达机场? When should I start working? 我该什么时候开始上班? What time am I supposed to check in? 我该什么时候去办登机手续? What time should I arrive for the performance? 我该什么时间到达看表演? I should say my admiration for your skill is great. 我该说我很敬佩你的技术。 I should say a little work would do you no harm. 我该说做少量的工作对你并没有害处。 I ought to remind you about our agreement. 我该提醒您有关我们的协议。 Where do I change? 我该在哪儿换车? When shall I get down? 我该在哪儿下车? At which corner should I turn left? 我该在哪个路口左转? I should go there earlier. 我该早点去那儿。 How can I order some new ones? 我该怎样申请新的呢? How can I ever thank you? 我该怎样谢您才好? I'm in a hurry. See if you make it in fifteen, OK? 我赶时间。设法在 15 分钟内赶到,行吗? I bet. 我敢打赌。 I bet they've lost the way. 我敢打赌他们迷路了。 Sure enough, only a few students would like to attend the lecture on such a topic. 我敢肯定,只有一部分学生会去听这种内容的讲座。 I reckon she is a clever girl. 我敢肯定她是个聪明的女孩。 I dare say she's been to Shanghai. 我敢说她曾去过上海。 You're tired, I dare say. 我敢说你累了。 I dare say he'll fail in the exam. 我敢说他考试会不及格。 I feel very miserable. 我感到非常沮丧。 I feel down in the dumps. 我感到沮丧透了。 I feel desperate. 我感到绝望了。 I'm feeling run-down. 我感到累极了。 I'm feeling below par. 我感到累极了。 I feel fagged out. 我感到累极了。 I'm suffering from fatigue. 我感到疲乏。 I'm feeling lousy. 我感到疲乏极了。 I feel drained. 我感到疲乏极了。 I feel so wretched. 我感到如此沮丧。 I feel rather depressed. 我感到十分沮丧。 I feel miserable. 我感到痛苦。 I feel a bit gloomy. 我感到有点抑郁。 I'm shocked! 我感到震惊! I'm just great. 我感觉好极了。 I feel terrible. 我感觉坏透了。 I'm on the top of the world. 我感觉幸福极了。 I appreciate your being so flexible. 我感谢您能如此通融。 I've just graduated from school. 我刚从学校毕业。 I'm new in town. Could you tell me how to get there? 我刚到这儿。请问去那儿怎么走? I was just asking, " How will you spend this weekend?" 我刚刚问,"这个周末你打算怎样过?" I was just in communication with my company, but now it's interrupted. 我刚刚正与公司通报,电路便中断了。 I've just learned how to dance this new step. 我刚学会跳这种新舞步。 I'll tell you what: go have a hot bath. 我告诉你该怎么办,去洗个热水澡。 I'm telling you, the test will be tough. 我告诉你考试会很难的。 I'm telling you those books are not to be taken out. 我告诉你那些书是不能拿出去的。 I'll tell you what, but don't pass it on to anyone else. 我告诉你事情的真相,但不要告诉别人。 I can tell you that it is he who stole the money. 我告诉你是他偷了钱。 My brother is not quite twenty-five. 我哥哥还不足二十五岁。 Personally, I'd be more inclined to agree with Mr. Smith's view. 我个人倾向于同意史密斯先生的观点。 Personally, I tend to agree with Mr. Smith. 我个人倾向于同意史密斯先生的观点。 Personally, I believe television is a kind of passive pastime. 我个人认为电视是一种消极的消遣方式。 Personally, I feel that might be a bit unnecessary. 我个人以为也许有点不必要。 Personally, I feel that might be a bit unnecessary. 我个人以为这或许有点不必要。 Shall I bring you some flowers? 我给你带些花来好吗? Let me call a porter for you. 我给你叫一个搬运工。 I'll give you something for your indigestion. 我给你开点治消化不良的药。 I'll lay you $10 that he won't do it. 我给你十元打赌他不会做的。 Would you like Saute Minced Chicken, Mandarin fish and sour pungent soup? 我给您配嫩煎鸡末,卷筒桂鱼和酸辣汤,好吗? Nothing could be farther from my mind than to move to another house. 我根本不打算搬家。 I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about. 我根本不懂您在讲些什么。 I haven't the faintest idea how to repair the color TV. 我根本不懂怎样修彩色电视机。 I don't feel happy at all. 我根本不感到快乐。 I never would have guessed such a thing. 我根本不会猜到是这么回事。 I don't feel at all confident that everything'll be fine. 我根本不那么相信一切都会好的。 I'm not at all sure that he'll support us. 我根本不能肯定他是否会支持我们。 I'm not at all certain that we'll win the game. 我根本不能肯定我们是否能赢这场比赛。 I'm not at all sure. 我根本不能确信。 I don't think that he'll succeed at all. 我根本不认为他会成功。 I don't believe at all that I won't find a good job. 我根本不相信我找不到一份好工作。 I'm blessed if I knew. 我根本不知道。 I simply can't, you see, find myself a new job. 我根本无法,你知道,给自己找到一份新工作。 I like French movies better. 我更喜欢法国电影。 I prefer coffee. 我更喜欢咖啡。 I prefer to live in small cities. 我更喜欢住在小城市里。 I like football better. 我更喜欢足球。 I figure she'll come back in three days. 我估计她三天后会回来的。 My own assessment is that his skills are superior to his father's. 我估计他的技术要超过他父亲。 Do you mind if I close the window? 我关窗你不反对吧? We have no telecommunications connection between our country and the area. 我国与那个地区没有电信联系。 I used to smoke cigars, but I have stopped. 我过去一直抽雪茄烟,不过现在不抽了。 I'm afraid of being introduced. 我害怕被介绍。 I'm afraid to tell him the truth. 我害怕告诉他实情。 I don't seem to have any energy. 我好像一点儿劲也没了。 I can't seem to find a bus stop. 我好像找不到公共汽车站。 What time do I have to check out? 我何时必须结帐? What time can I check in? 我何时可以住进来? When could I have my laundry? 我何时能拿到洗好的衣服? Jane and I will hold a party this Sunday. 我和简这星期天准备开一次宴会。 My wife and I are always quarrelling. 我和我的妻子经常争吵不休。 I'm terribly sorry, I don't think I can. 我很抱歉,我想我不能来。 I can't say I'm still pleased. 我很不高兴。 I'm extremely displeased. 我很不愉快。 I've got the wind up. 我很担心。 I'm very uneasy about that. 我很担心。 I feel great anxiety about Philip's sickness. 我很担心菲力浦的病。 I'm really in a flap about the explosion. 我很担心会爆炸。 I've got the wind up about her security. 我很担心她的安全。 I have qualms about her illness. 我很担心她的病。 I'm very anxious for Susan's future. 我很担心苏珊的前途。 I'm worried sick about his illness. 我很担心他的病情。 I'm extremely nervous of my trip abroad being cancelled. 我很担心我出国一事会被取消。 I'm very concerned that we may not meet the dead line. 我很担心我们会超过截止期。 I'm worrying about the speech contest next week. 我很担心下星期的讲演比赛。 I would appreciate your advice. 我很感激你的忠告。 I would appreciate your advice on this project. 我很感激你关于该计划的建议。 I would appreciate your advice on how to deal with this problem. 我很感激你关于如何应付这一问题的忠告。 I appreciate your kindness. 我很感激您的好意。 I do appreciate your information. 我很感激您提供给我的消息。 I'm very pleased. 我很高兴。 I should be delighted. 我很高兴。 I'd be happy to follow your advice. 我很高兴按你的建议去做。 I'm glad that's over. 我很高兴那已过去了。 I'm delighted to have been of assistance. 我很高兴能对您有所帮助。 I'm glad to have been of some help. 我很高兴能对您有所帮助。 I am glad to be of some service. 我很高兴能为您效劳。 I'm pleased that your sales figures are up again. 我很高兴你的销售数字又上升了。 I'm very glad you enjoyed it. 我很高兴你觉得满意。 I'm very glad you appreciated it. 我很高兴你觉得满意。 I'm glad to hear that you'll spend the Christmas with us. 我很高兴你能和我们一起过圣诞节。 I'm so delighted you could come. 我很高兴你能来。 I'm very delighted about your coming. 我很高兴你能来。 I'm very glad you like it. 我很高兴你喜欢它。 I'm very glad you like it. 我很高兴你喜欢它。 I'll be happy to try. 我很高兴去试一试。 I'll be delighted to. 我很高兴去做。 I'm very glad to hear about her being rescued. 我很高兴听到她被搭救的消息。 I'd be grateful to have your opinion on it. 我很高兴听听您对此的看法。 I'd be glad to have your view on the bargain. 我很高兴听听您对此买卖的见解。 I feel delighted that I can go to the concert with you tomorrow evening. 我很高兴我明晚能和你一起去听音乐会。 I'm so pleased all is over now. 我很高兴一切都已过去了。 I'm glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here. 我很高兴有机会在此地与您见面。 I'd be glad to do so. 我很高兴这样做。 I'm very concerned about the current situation. 我很关注当前的形势。 I have a deep concern for the situation there. 我很关注那儿的形势。 I'm frightened. 我很害怕。 I fear that I may create a bad impression by arriving late. 我很害怕迟到会留给别人不好的印象。 I'm scared stiff of flying. 我很害怕飞行。 I'm rather apprehensive of defeats. 我很害怕失败。 I'm scared that we'll lose little Tom. 我很害怕我们会失去小汤姆。 I'm fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。 I'm extremely well, thank you. 我很好,谢谢您。 I'm doing very well, thank you. 我很好,谢谢您。 I'm rather doubtful about its reliability. 我很怀疑其可靠性。 I rather doubt that they'll reach an agreement at the meeting. 我很怀疑他们能在会上取得一致看法。 I'm in excellent health, thank you. 我很健康,谢谢您。 I'm very anxious. 我很焦虑。 I haven't danced for a long time. 我很久没有跳舞了。 I'm fairly sure you're right. 我很肯定你是对的。 I'm quite sure he has forgotten it. 我很肯定他已经忘了。 I am very optimistic that everything is going smoothly. 我很乐观,一切都进展顺利。 I am very optimistic. 我很乐观。 I'd love to, but I'm going to see a play with Mary. 我很乐意,不过我打算与玛莉一起去看戏。 I'd love to. What time? 我很乐意,什么时候? I'd love to. 我很乐意。 My pleasure. 我很乐意。 It's my pleasure. 我很乐意。 It's a pleasure. 我很乐意。 That's my pleasure. 我很乐意。 I'd love to. 我很乐意。 I love to. 我很乐意。 That's my pleasure. 我很乐意。 My pleasure. 我很乐意。 I'd be glad to. 我很乐意。 I'd be delighted to. Saturday, did you say? 我很乐意。你说的是星期六,对吗? I'd love to, but my friends are going to call on me. 我很乐意接受邀请,但我的朋友们要来看望我。 I'd love to come. 我很乐意来。 I quite understand. 我很理解。 I was quite satisfied with it. 我很满意。 I'm sorry. 我很难过。 I find it difficult to be enthusiastic about politics. 我很难提起对政治的兴趣。 Fat chance I can get a thicket for the concert. 我很难有机会得到音乐会的票了。 I feel quite sure about getting the scholarship. 我很确信能得到奖学金。 It is with great pleasure that I introduce Mr. Harris, the famous writer. 我很荣幸向诸位介绍著名的作家哈里斯先生。 I feel easily worn out and yet I haven't been doing much. 我很容易感到疲劳,可是并没做什么事。 I couldn't agree more, but traffic is really a tough problem. 我很同意你的说法,但交通确实是个棘手的问题。 I'm anxious that the department should consider my application. 我很希望系里会考虑我的申请。 I adore skating. 我很喜欢溜冰。 I admire scenic beauty. Can you name some scenic spots? 我很喜欢美景。你能说出一些风景点吗? I go for cooking in a big way. 我很喜欢烧菜。 I rather fancy something to eat. 我很想吃点什么。 I should very much like some of your milk chocolate. 我很想吃几块你的牛奶巧克力。 I'm really longing for a good friend. 我很想得到一位好朋友。 I'd very much like to have a dance with you. 我很想和您跳支舞。 I am looking forward to meeting you. 我很想见到你。 I'm anxious to meet my girlfriend. 我很想见见我的女朋友。 I'd like to introduce Mr. Brown, dean of our department. 我很想介绍布朗先生,我们的系主任。 I'd like that very much. 我很想那样。 I should very much like to do some occasional teaching. 我很想偶尔做些教学工作。 I'd like to know Miss Davis. 我很想认识戴维斯小姐。 I should like to say I find the film interesting, but quite honestly, I can't. 我很想说我觉得这部电影很有趣,但说实话,我不能这么说。 I'd like to know what your advice would be. 我很想知道你有什么忠告。 I'm sorry that he should be so stubborn. 我很遗憾,他竟那么顽固。 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司