翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 We can mend a seam but not a big hole. 我们可以缝好脱线处,但不是补大洞。 We can recommend some hotels to you. 我们可以给你推荐一些旅馆。 Can we spend a few minutes looking around the hotel? 我们可以花一些时间在饭店里转一转看看吗? Are we allowed in the stack room? 我们可以进书库吗? We might turn down the project. 我们可以拒绝这项方案。 We can buy a radio or a table. 我们可以买台收音机,也可以买张桌子。 We can discount the possibility that they will support us. 我们可以排除他们会支持我们的可能性。 May we have the pleasure of your company at dinner? 我们可以请您一起进餐吗? We can go fishing or go hunting. 我们可以去钓鱼,或是去打猎。 Can we establish your preference on the question of the menu? 我们可以确定您在菜单问题上的选择吗? We can wash clothes or cook lunch. 我们可以洗衣服或做午饭。 We're permitted to use the stack every Monday and Friday. 我们可以在每星期一和星期五用书库。 It's a cinch that we'll win. 我们肯定会赢的。 We must have made a wrong turn at the last crossroad. 我们肯定在刚才那条岔路转错了方向。 Let's go out quickly. We might be late for the bus. 我们快出去吧。我们可能赶不上公共汽车。 Let's be quick, or we'll miss the boat. 我们快点吧,否则我们会误了船的。 Let's hurry! 我们快一点吧。 Let's go through it systematically. 我们来按次序看。 Let's pose for a group photo. 我们来摆好姿势合影一张。 Let's have a look at the exposure meter. 我们来查一下曝光表。 Let's draw for partners. 我们来抽牌决定搭档吧。 We've come to say goodbye to you. 我们来跟你告别。 Shall we change partners? 我们来换换搭档吧? Let's watch TV, shall we? 我们来看电视,好吗? Let's dance, shall we? 我们来跳舞吧,好吗? Have we wasted lots of time? 我们浪费了很多时间吗? Nearly there. 我们马上就到。 We have several daily newspapers on sale. 我们卖多种日报。 There's very little likelihood of our being able to do that. 我们没什么可能会做这件事。 We have no scheduled flights to Tokyo. 我们没有排定去东京的班次。 We do not have any volumes in quarto. 我们没有四开本的。 We have no non-stop flights to California. 我们没有直飞加州的班次。 We lost our way. 我们迷路了。 We can finish it by 4 tomorrow afternoon. 我们明天下午四点前能修好。 We can mend it. 我们能补好它。 We can get there in time unless the lights are against us. 我们能及时赶到,除非一路上都是红灯。 Can we get there in ten minutes? 我们能在十分钟内赶到那儿吗? We are looking forward to going to London soon. 我们盼望着不久就去伦敦。 We're longing for the coming spring break. 我们盼望着即将到来的春假。 We're expecting for the arrival of the famous professor. 我们盼望着那位著名教授的到来。 Shall we go to the card catalog or directly to the stack room? 我们去查目录还是直接去书库? Let's go fishing. 我们去钓鱼吧。 Before we went to the movies, we did our homework. 我们去看电影前做了功课。 We went to the restaurant where Tom worked. 我们去了汤姆工作的那家餐馆。 Let's go to the Hall of Five Hundred Arhats. 我们去五百罗汉堂看看。 How about going to the foyer and have some beer? 我们去休息室喝些啤酒怎样? Shall we go swimming? 我们去游泳好吗? You have our whole-hearted support in your experiment. 我们全心地支持你进行实验。 You have our whole-hearted support. 我们全心全意地支持你。 You have our whole-hearted support. 我们全心全意地支持您。 We've already met, actually. 我们确实已见过面。 Let's leave at three o'clock. 我们三点离开吧。 Our shop doesn't ask two prices. 我们商店不讨价还价。 What time do we depart? 我们什么时候出发? What time do we board? 我们什么时候登机? When will we arrive in San Francisco? 我们什么时候会到达旧金山? When shall we have the meeting? 我们什么时候开会? When should we send a taxi there? 我们什么时候派车来? We're on Eastern Standard Time. 我们使用东部标准时间。 We don't give in. 我们是不会屈服的。 Is it compulsory for us to take part in the sports meet? 我们是不是必须参加运动会? Is there any need for us to clean the classroom every day? 我们是不是需要每天打扫教室? We are your staunch supporters of the new project. 我们是你新方案的忠实支持者。 We are your staunch supporters. 我们是你忠实的支持者。 We are the biggest dealer of children's clothes. 我们是最大的童装销售商。 We've got an invitation from Jason. 我们收到了杰生先生的一份邀请。 We seem to be in complete agreement on these procedures. 我们似乎对这些步骤没有什么异议。 We seem to be in complete agreement that we should submit a tender immediately. 我们似乎完全同意我们应该马上投标。 We talked about a lot of things. 我们谈了许多事情。 We offer morning call, safety deposit box, full pension and shoepolishing. 我们提供预请总机叫起床,存放贵重物品的箱子,全日包伙食和擦皮鞋。 We've the service of ironing, 2.00 RMB for a coat. 我们提供熨烫服务,每件上衣两元。 Shall we dance? 我们跳舞吗? We agreed to differ. 我们同意各自保留意见。 We receive telecasts from New York through relay stations. 我们透过转播站接收纽约的电视节目。 We're late, we must push on. 我们晚了,我们得赶快。 Let's forget it. 我们忘掉它吧。 We supply missing issues for customers. 我们为顾客提供所缺期刊。 Why don't we have one more dance? 我们为何不再跳一支舞? We've a special home service for old people. 我们为老年人提供送到府上特殊服务。 We have a window table reserved for you. 我们为您预订了一张靠近窗口的餐桌。 We can't rule out the possibility of his quitting the new job. 我们无法排除他辞掉新的工作的可能性。 On no account should we go to bed with the door open. 我们无论如何不应开着门睡觉。 We hope you can come. 我们希望你能来。 We'd prefer a more manageable topic to work on. 我们希望选择一个更容易做的题目。 We hope you'll come back again in the near future. 我们希望在不远的将来你会再回来。 We'd like somewhere not too near the band. 我们喜欢离乐队远一点的地方。 We'll start from this room. 我们先从这个展览室开始看。 Let's look at the cast first. 我们先看看演员表。 What shall we see first? 我们先看什么呢? Let's begin with the ugliest hippopotamus. 我们先看最丑的河马吧。 We've arrived at a decision now. 我们现已作出决定。 We have to get home now! 我们现在得回家了! We now come to the question of pollution. 我们现在开始谈污染问题。 Do we have enough time for a visit there now? 我们现在来得及去参观吗? We are now closed for stocktaking. 我们现在停业盘点。 We'd like permission to stay here for another week. 我们想获得许可再在这儿住一星期。 We'd like you to attend our wedding ceremony. 我们想请你参加我们的结婚典礼。 We'd like a wake-up call at 7:00. 我们想让服务台早上 7 点打电话叫醒我们。 We recommend package tour for you. 我们向你推荐一条旅游线路。 We'll be late. 我们要迟到了。 We'll operate on you for appendicitis. 我们要对你动阑尾切除手术。 We're having a small get-together. Would you like to come? 我们要举行个小小的聚会,你来参加好吗? We would like two glasses of beer. 我们要两杯啤酒。 We'll have to confiscate this object. 我们要没收这些物品。 We're going in the opposite direction. 我们要去的方向刚好相反。 It's impossible for us to get this textbook within such a short time. 我们要在这么短的时间内弄到这本课本是不可能的。 We sell leather polish, too. 我们也出售皮革亮光剂。 We're going to enjoy ourselves at the picnic. 我们一定会在野餐中玩得开心的。 The group of us went out to the theater last night. 我们一伙人昨晚去看戏了。 We've been waiting for his good news. 我们一直都在等待他的好消息。 We've been waiting to visit the exhibition. 我们一直都在等着去参观展览会。 We're been expecting for the coming Christmas. 我们一直都在盼望着圣诞节的到来。 Let's go through it systematically. 我们依次来看吧。 We've been waiting for nearly a quarter, but there still isn't a bus in sight. 我们已等了约十五分钟了,可是公共汽车仍然连个影子也没有。 We've sewed it on tightly. 我们已经把它紧紧地缝上了。 We've had this rip carefully sewed up. 我们已经把这裂缝补好了。 We haven't seen him for a long time. 我们已经好久没见到他了。 We have no seats available for that flight. 我们已经没有那个班次的座位了。 We've come to a decision that the meeting will be postponed. 我们已决定延迟会期。 We assume that you have received the package. 我们以为你已经收到了包裹。 We give you a discount of 20% since we're newing our inventory. 我们因为在出清存货,所以商品打八折出售。 We should spend more money in tapping other sources of energy. 我们应该把更多的钱用在开发其他能源上。 We should give more consideration to what may happen. 我们应该多考虑一下可能会发生的事情。 We ought to be moving. 我们应该走了。 We have complete works of Ba Jin. 我们有巴金的全部作品。 We have the service of sale by post. 我们有代客邮寄这一服务项目。 We have open shelves as well as closed shelves. 我们有的书是开架的,有的是闭架的。 We have a nightclub. 我们有个夜总会。 We have a large selection of greeting cards. 我们有各种贺卡。 We've got a set menu. 我们有固定菜单。 We have Cantonese food, Sichuan food and Shanghai food. 我们有广东菜、四川菜和上海菜。 We have a number of them. They're all very good. 我们有好几种。它们都不错。 We have a Kodak instant camera. 我们有架柯达快速相机。 We have tourist guides who speak German and English. 我们有讲德语和英语的导游。 We have Remy Martin, sir. 我们有雷米马丁尼,先生。 We have the very thing for you. 我们有您想买的东西。 We've got a choice of New York Steak, filet mignon and sirloin steak. 我们有纽约牛排,菲力牛排,沙郎牛排供您选择。 We have vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. 我们有香草的,巧克力的及草莓的。 We have quite a variety of pictorial story books. 我们有许多连环画图书。 We've got a color TV with a 57-inch screen. 我们有一台 57 英寸的彩色电视机。 We have a new edition of the dictionary. 我们有这本词典的新版本。 We have some miniature editions of this anthology. 我们有这本文集的袖珍本。 We have bound volumes of the magazine. 我们有这本杂志的合订本。 We have a unique copy of the book. 我们有这书的孤本。 We've got some special fast film. 我们有专门的快拍底片。 We've a buffet, you can have all you want for 50 dollars. 我们有自助餐,您付五十美元便可挑选您所喜欢吃的东西。 We have plenty of time. 我们有足够的时间。 We were caught in traffic. 我们遇到塞车了。 About one hundred in our original list. 我们原定的名单上大约有 100 人。 We're trying to plan our future. 我们在尝试计划我们的未来。 Shall we meet in the lobby? 我们在大厅会面吗? We are having a small party. Would you like to come over? 我们在举行一个小派对。你要不要过来一起玩? What fun we'll have at the party! 我们在聚会上会过得十分快乐! Where shall we meet for the hike? 我们在哪儿见面去踏青呢? We could by no means reach an agreement on that point. 我们在那个问题上决不可能达成一致。 Shall we have a snack at this coffee-shop? 我们在这咖啡馆吃点点心好吗? Shall we shelf the issue? 我们暂时把这问题搁一边好吗? We get up at six thirty in the morning. 我们早晨六点半起床。 How do we open a savings account? 我们怎么开一个储蓄帐户? Could we find something else? This film is very boring. 我们找点别的节目看好吗?这部影片无聊极了。 We have sleeping pills here. 我们这儿有安眠药。 We have very nice braised assorted vegetables. 我们这里的素什锦非常好。 What fools we were! 我们真傻! We're in luck. 我们真走运。 I'm through with you! How many times do I have to tell you? 我们之间已经完了!要我跟你说几次呢? You have our backing. 我们支持你。 You have our backing. 我们支持你。 You have our backing to launch a campaign against smoking. 我们支持你发起禁烟的运动。 You have our backing to put up a protest against city pollutions. 我们支持你抗议城市污染的行为。 We have to wait for the picture to come back. 我们只好等影像重新出现。 We only go as far as Shanxi Road. 我们只开到山西路。 We can only do simple mending. 我们只做一些简单的缝补。 We specialize in white suit cleaning. 我们专洗白色套装。 We specialize in steak. 我们专做牛排。 We ship most of our oil in bulk. 我们装运的油大多数是散装的。 How far have we gone? 我们走了多远了? We'd better give it an exposure of 1/60 of a second. 我们最好把曝光时间定在六十分之一秒。 We'd better look for a parking area first. 我们最好还是先找一个停车场。 We'd better check the side valve. 我们最好检查一下旁阀。 We'd better support them. 我们最好支持他们。 We'll take the 3 p.m. train. 我们坐下午三点的火车。 I'm nuts about figure skating. 我迷恋花样溜冰。 I'm nuts about dance party. 我迷恋舞会。 I see. But what are bad manners? 我明白了。那什么是坏习惯呢? I see. This is the main hall, isn't it? 我明白了。这是主厅,对吗? I see what you mean, but nobody is allowed to break the law. 我明白你的意思,但人人都应守法。 I see what you mean, but if they don't support us? 我明白您的意思,但是如果他们不支持我们呢? I know how it feels. 我明白这种感受。 I have to go to school tomorrow. 我明天得去上学。 I'll give you a call tomorrow. 我明天会给你打电话的。 All right if I hand in the paper tomorrow? 我明天交作业行吗? I'm leaving tomorrow, but I haven't packed my suitcases yet. 我明天就出发了,可我还没打点好箱子呢。 My mother hasn't been sleeping well last night. 我母亲昨晚没能睡好。 I can't make up my mind whether to come or not. 我拿不定主意是否要来。 I can't decide which to choose. 我拿不定主意选择哪个。 I have both your hat and your coat. 我拿了你的帽子和你的上衣。 I feel in such a muddle. 我脑子里一团糟。 Is there anything I can do to help? 我能帮点什么忙吗? Is there any way I can help? 我能帮点什么忙吗? What can I do to help? 我能帮忙做些什么? Can I help you? 我能帮你忙吗? May I help you with your hat? 我能帮你拿帽子吗? Can I exchange my ticket for a flight on CAL307? 我能不能将机票换成 CAL307 班次的机票? Can I go there on foot? 我能步行去那儿吗? Could you spare me a minute? 我能打扰你一会儿吗? Can I have a personal call to Chicago 643555? 我能打一个叫人电话吗?芝加哥 643555。 Can I take this job? 我能得到这份工作吗? Could I send a phototelegram to Tokyo? 我能发一份去东京的传真电报吗? Can I dissuade you from buying the book? 我能否说服您不买这本书? Can I persuade you to take his advice? 我能否说服您接受他的劝告? Can I persuade you that the plan is feasible? 我能否说服您这计划是可行的? Can I cash a check here? 我能否在这儿换支票? Can I open a check account here? 我能否在这儿开一个支票存款的帐户? Can I catch the last mail today? 我能赶上今天最后一班的邮车吗? Could I give you a piece of advice? 我能给你一则建议吗? Could I have the last waltz with you? 我能和您跳最后一曲华尔滋吗? I can do it easily. 我能很容易做到。 Can I see your bar manager? 我能见你们吧台经理吗? How long can I keep it? 我能借多久? Can I borrow your lighted cigarette? 我能借用一下你点燃的香烟吗? Shall I get some chalk? 我能拿一些粉笔吗? Can I send the cables on transferred account? 我能拍发转帐电报吗? I can easily believe it. 我能轻易相信它。 I can give you a lift. 我能让你搭便车。 I can jump for more than 6 meters. 我能跳 6 米多。 I can hear the rain drumming on the roof. 我能听到雨点打在屋顶上咚咚作响。 What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么? Is there anything I can do for you? 我能为你做些什么吗? Can I reserve a double room for next week? 我能为下周预定一间双人房吗? Can I borrow your match? 我能向你借火柴吗? Could I impose upon you to help me find another flight? 我能要求你帮助我安排另一班飞机吗? Can I fly to London on Sunday? 我能在星期天飞往伦敦吗? Can I open an account here? 我能在这开个户头吗? I feel able to organize a party. 我能组织一次聚会。 Can I get a seat in the executive section? 我能坐在二等舱吗? I'd prefer to say in a house than in a hotel. 我宁可待在家里而不愿待在旅馆里。 I'd rather join you in the outing than stay at home. 我宁可跟你外出游玩,也不愿待在家里。 I would prefer to wait until tomorrow. 我宁愿等到明天。 I'd rather have it a bit cool than too hot. 我宁愿天气凉快些而不愿它太热。 I'd rather not do it now. 我宁愿现在不做。 I'd rather travel by myself. 我宁愿自己旅行。 I'd rather be a dancer than a singer. 我宁愿做个舞蹈家而不是名歌手。 I've got the tickets. 我弄到票了。 I'm afraid of losing my job. 我怕丢了工作。 I'm afraid the engine will run off the rails. 我怕火车头要出轨了。 I'm terrified. 我怕极了。 I was afraid those big, black cockroaches were going to bite me. 我怕那些又大又黑的蟑螂要咬我。 I'm longing to see my friend Jane again. 我盼望再见到我的朋友简。 I'm looking forward to the party tonight. 我盼望着今晚的聚会。 I'll walk with you there. It's on my route. 我陪你走到那儿。我是顺路的。 My friend spent his childhood in California. 我朋友的童年是在加州度过的。 I happen to know that Jack's quitted his job. 我碰巧得知杰克辞了职。 I'm completely washed out. 我疲乏极了。 I eat dinner at about 7 o'clock. 我七点左右吃晚饭。 I'm looking forward to seeing you in the States. 我期待着在美国见你。 It's my expectation that you will join our team. 我期望你能参加我们的队。 I'm in eager anticipation of your reply. 我企盼您的回信。 It just slips my memory. 我恰好把它给忘了。 My compliments on your memory. 我钦佩你的记忆力。 I distinctly recollect he was the manager at that time. 我清楚地记得那时他是经理。 I do beg your pardon. 我求你原谅我。 Shall I pick you up at the station? 我去车站接你好吗? I'll speak to the chef and see what he can do. 我去跟厨师说说,看他有什么办法。 I'm going shopping because I need to buy some clothes. 我去逛街因为我需要买几件衣服。 I went to see a friend of mine. 我去看我的一个朋友。 I'll buy the tickets. 我去买票。 I shall buy a catalogue. 我去买一份目录册。 I'm going downtown. 我去市区方向。 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司